Meet the Magic Condom, Inspiring Teen Sex and Gay Cops

Baby Winged Cupid's got competish! This French spot for Durex has a mystical used purple condom package that flies through town inspiring old folks, male cops and teens to do the nasty. That's right, teens.
To a peppy tune that sounds pulled from the ABBA dustbin, Condom-Cupid flies by two innocent adolescents studying in a bedroom. Well, that's about to turn inta' a lesson in biology! (Ba-dum-bum!) Of course this would never fly in the Red, White and Blue because teens here don't have sex, right?

But old folks do! Whimsical Condom-Cupid then flutters past two senior citz, who smash up their charmingly prim tea set to get - it - awn. (Grandpa's steady gaze is classic.)

It gets more intense. Condom-Cupid flies past a swanky cocktail fête, prompting a pondering partygoer to shut the curtains and presumably start an orgy! They've been in the air.
Finally, the gay cops. Watch the video for that one.
We LOVE Condom-Cupid! Let's name him/her/it, shall we?
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