Live Blogging Top Chef Masters, Week 5

It's time once again for the commenter live blog where everyone is stellar. Here, all Sneetches — star-bellied or otherwise — are welcome to join in and post glib, bitchy quips about Top Chef Masters.
Because this is our first live blog under Gawker's new commenting system, I'll admit to feeling some apprehension — but I'm confident we can channel Tim Gunn and make it work if we heed a few pointers: First, if you have a star, try to watch for and "promote" any (non-trollish) comments from star-free commenters as we go along. (I'll do this too.) This way, our live-blog society can remain as class-free (classless? unclassy?) as it ever was. Also, remember that comments are now threaded and posted in "newest first" order, so … um, try not to let that drive you nuts. I'm sure we'll all adjust and be happily chattering away in no time, right? That's the spirit!
So, with that pointering and pep-talking out of the way, here are a few quick highlights from last week:
- DahlELama's hubby opined that Douglas Rodriquez is a chef version of "Milton the red stapler guy" from Office Space. (Judge for yourself.)
- Mark Peel spoke fondly of his one-armed father while cooking with one arm tied behind his back — a moment that was both touching and extremely weird.
- Early on, Anita Lo (as in Lo-charisma) serenely declared: "I need to create the illusion of a scallop, but I need other signifiers." This was probably our first tip-off that she is some kind of culinary super-genius, and that this contest was basically already over before it began.
So low-key Lo is still in the running to become America's Next Top Chef Master. Here's a quick run-through of tonight's batch of aspirants:
- Michael Chiarello, host of many TV show, supports "sustainable farming," which is probably laudable. But it's kind of hard to root for a chef who also peddles "Napa lifestyle" tips and products. Can a true master chef moonlight as a male Martha Stewart?
- Rick Moonen, of New York's Oceana and RM restaurants, advocates "sustainable" seafood practices — and there's that "sustainable" word again. I've just decided that, from now on, I'm going to refer to live-blogging as "sustainable commenting."
- Nils Noren, a native of Sweden, was recently voted by his culinary peers as "The Chef Who Should Have Gotten an Award By Now, but Hasn't." Sadly, that title did not, apparently, come with an award.
- Lachlan Mackinnon Patterson is a winsome young man with a lovely name, who is also rather shy and quiet — so let's hope he loses. (No more low-key finalists!)
Ok, gang, it's nearly 10 pm Eastern. Let's turn on Bravo and engage in some sustainable commenting!