Proud Reputations of L.A, Television, Fox Destroyed by Harlot

Body-displaying sex symbol Jillian Barberie Reynolds still has a job as a, heh, "weather and lifestyle anchor" on Fox TV in L.A., while actual journalists are getting laid off. How long will we allow sexy ladies to defile our televisions?
LA Times media moralist James Rainey, for one, is outraged. He was forced, for research purposes, to go listen to Reynolds talking to Howard Stern about sexy, sexual things:
Reynolds spared no detail professional or, in particular, sexual...
Particular highlights among the lowlights: Reynolds' description of a celebrity she had "done," others she made out with, and her recollection of fantasy play with her husband, including the time he held a gun to the back of her head. ("I don't even care that it's loaded. I said, 'Don't even tell me. I don't care.' ")
Excuse James Rainey as he wipes his fevered brow, but this is not the "news" he knows. Is this really what people want from their vapid TV personalities? Blatant, lurid, sexy, sexuality, from Barbie-esque women? James Rainey puts the question to the powers-that-be:
Well then, I said to Hale, wouldn't talking about bondage with the aplomb of a porn star at least press the edges of the Fox code of conduct?

James Rainey is coming from a place of caring, Jillian. He cares. A lot. About you. He wants to help you. He is willing to work closely with you. As closely as you like. He is even willing to put it to you in the voice of a finger-snapping "girlfriend," so that you get his message loud and clear:
But, girl, you're middle-aged and expecting a second child (as announced on the air this week)...Isn't it time to grow up, just a little?
Girl, you betta listen to James. He wants to help you, girl. He wants to hold you, girl. He wants love you, girl. Call him.