Shameless Press Release of the Day: 'Rihanna's Court Style'
By now you may have heard Chris Brown copped a plea Monday in a Los Angeles court. Maybe then you found yourself wondering, "Gee...I wonder what Rihanna wore to court today?" Well, Michele Marie PR wants everyone to know!
So today Rihanna appeared in court to testify against a man who nearly beat and strangled her to death, but the dirty business of public relations will rest for no one, especially if there's an angle with which a publicist can attach a client to a well-known celebrity. With that said, here's the body of an email we were sent tonight by Michele Marie PR:
Rihanna's Court Style
LOS ANGELES - June 22, 2009 - While attending the Chris Brown preliminary hearing, Rihanna wore a vintage [redacted] yellow gold and diamond bracelet watch (Retail price, $8,500) and vintage [redacted] 18 karat yellow gold, ruby and diamond earrings (Retail price, $13,000), both from [redacted].
Ha! You see what we did there? We published the statement but redacted the names of the clients represented by Michele Marie PR. This is what we do when shameless flacks, like the folks at Michele Marie PR, send us this sort of crap, so just stop clogging up our inboxes with it, okay?!