Well, it looks as though the economic downturn has found another media victim. A tipster tells us tonight that there's been a "completely unexpected bloodbath" at Access Hollywood.

In an email our tipster, who worked out of Access Hollywood's LA office and was one of those unfortunately laid off, said this:

"It was a bloodbath and came out of nowhere! They laid off a ton of people."

We don't have much more information, but maybe you do—If so, send us an email to fill us in! Did Billy Bush get canned? Does Nancy O'Dell still have a job? A nation anxiously waits to know.

UPDATE: A source close to the show contacted Gawker after this post went up to inform us that the "bloodbath" consisted of seven Los Angeles-based Access Hollywood staffers that were laid off today.

We also received this statement from an NBC Universal spokesperson:

"We continue to think strategically about how we can conduct our business in this changing economy."

Flackery at its finest ladies and gentleman.