The AP is reporting tonight that the Obama administration plans to announce tomorrow that they're extending the same benefits available to spouses of straight employees to the spouses of gay and lesbian federal employees.

According to the AP, a ceremony announcing the move, which "would give partners of federal employees access to health care and financial benefits such as relocation fees for moves," will take place inside the Oval Office.

Interestingly, the move comes the day after two prominent gay men, activist David Mixner and blogger Andy Towle, announced that they would boycott an upcoming DNC fundraiser out of concern that the Obama White House was supporting policies detrimental to the gay rights cause. Coincidence?

The executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda, a large state-based gay rights group, Alan Van Capelle, executive director of Empire State Pride Agenda, a gay rights group based in New York, expressed a lack of enthusiasm to Politico.

It's just one of the things that should have been done in January. If the president makes the announcement tomorrow, it will still fall short of what LGBT people are expecting from this administration.

Obama To Extend Benefits to Gay Federal Workers [Google/AP]
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