WTAN: Will the Blogosphere Let Negroes Make Love?

Look at the image. It's the cover of "TAN Magazine"! It existed in 1955. Guess who's excited about this? Me, cause I'm TAN. Also: ethnic love in Hollywood, and midget sex? Still relevant issues!
That's a seriously hot couple on the cover, no? Did they have Photoshop back then, or is that straight natural melanin?
AnyJet, WTAN is back in the building this weekend. For those just tuning in, I'm your host "The Assimilated Negro". And I'll be holding your hand as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death for the next few hours.
For entertainment purposes, we're going to get a little conversation flowing on the rising interest in taxing weed. I've got blogger and weed-olympian Jason Mulgrew, left-coast hip hop music columnist Jeff Weiss, and an Anonymous Hedgefund Guy (but not this one) to comment on getting green for green. Always a fun topic.
And then, with any luck, we're going to debut "Negropedia Brown, Blog Detective" as he attempts to solve a couple Media Mysteries. We have Jay-Z and "The Case of the Undead Auto-Tune". Here I will only use the words "Slate", "Jody Rosen" and "smackdown" to get the advance notice on the Google Alerts popping.
Then to celebrate the one year-ish anniversary of Vanity Fair's blog matrix, we have something along the lines of "The Case of Black People Using the Internet, Too". If you want a little more background on what that will be about, check out the Blog Matrix VF put out last summer and try to figure out if anything's missing. I mean really, what would Obama think about that?
But for now, what's hotter than a Swedish indie siren covering old school hip hop? Absolutely nothing. Totally fanning out on Lykke Li right now.
Lykke Li - Can I Kick It? (A Tribe Called Quest cover) from yelloyello on Vimeo.
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