SHOCK: in yesterday's Fox News Poll, respondents were asked whether or not they believed that Barack Obama was still "sneaking cigarettes at the White House"! Are you outraged? Think Progress commenters are!

hormiga brava chavez Says:

Fake News has the most bogus polls I've ever seen!

June 12th, 2009 at 10:03 am

DNFP Says:

Did they even care about Jeff Gannon's off-the-record late-night visits to Dumbya?


June 12th, 2009 at 10:03 am

tom Says:

Suggestions for the next FoxSnooze poll question list:

1) is Bristol keeping the barn door closed or still taking a roll in the hay from time to time?

2) do you think it's manly when John Boehner cries?

3) Liz Cheney — boxers or briefs?

June 12th, 2009 at 10:10 am

Additional nicknames employed: "Dubya," "FAUX News," "DBumbya."

Anyway, "do you think it's manly when John Boehner cries" is actually kinda funny.