Young people do extraordinary things in Hollywood, and make, I'm assuming, extraordinary money. Some good news about television, plus some bad news. And a film wins a very deserving prize.

Aw, all grown up. Little Sam Weir is little man now. Actor John Francis Daley, from Freaks & Geeks, has landed a writing deal with his partner Jonathan Goldstein. They'll pen Cal of the Wild, a comedy skewering outdoorsy reality shows like Survivor. The pair has sold two scripts in the past. Daley is 23. So, sorta grown up. [Variety]

Premiere dates for pretty much all the fall ABC series have been announced. Except for a few, one of which is America's favorite television program. I don't quite... I just don't quite know what we're going to do. If we don't know when it's coming back, won't the nation spin into chaos and discord? I mean, it's Private Practice for God's sake. We need its special brand of late-afternoon sexual snappiness. And we need it soon. [THR]

Oh, but there is a premiere date for the third season of some bullshit show called Mad Men. Who the hell cares about that garbage? In case you're a weirdo and you do, it's August 16th. Pah. Give us our Addison! [Variety]

Hard-boiled creator of The Shield Shawn Ryan has gotten the greenlight from FX on his new series, Terriers. The gritty crime drama will be about two small dogs, a Cairn and a Dandie Dinmont, who solve mysteries. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it's about. [THR]

Young stars on the rise Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Angarano are set to star in the film Ceremony, to be produced, written, and directed by Hollywood scions Jason Reitman and Max Winkler, the son of Henry. Everyone will stand around and talk about Audis, then try to all hit on the extra in the little jean shorts. [THR]

Mainstream weirdo Tim Burton will have a show at the MoMA in Manhattantowne starting in November. The exhibit will feature drawings, paintings, storyboards, various little sculptures, and other oddities. Sounds fun! [Variety]

When you think of films one would call visionary, do you think of a movie like the single-takes Nine Lives or the eerie stillness of something like Silent Light? Well, you're way off. You should be thinking of a movie like Twilight. That's a film of vision. And the Vision Awards in Hollywood will bestow that title upon that film in a ceremony coming very soon. I mean, they're also awarding Shonda Rhimes (give us our Addison!!!), so you know that it's really prestigious. [THR]

Fuuuck, man. This show sounds good. Martin Scorsese's Boardwalk Empire—about the early days of A.C.—has just cast The Wire's Michael Kenneth Williams as Chalky White, the mayor of Chickenbone Beach. Yes. [THR]