Sad and scary news: Several days before Air France Flight 447 vanished from the sky, a bomb threat delayed another flight from South America to France.

First, in regards to the bomb scare, on May 27th, Argentina's Momento24 reported this:

The airport safety delayed an Air France flight this evening before departing for Paris immediately after the company received a bomb threat over the phone at the airport of Ezeiza.

The Federal Police, along the Firemen's direction and the Airport's Safety proceeded to inspect the plane, that arrived this morning from the French city and, after a brief stop, it was preparing to return.

The routine procedure lasted approximately one hour and a half and, as sources of the airport reported all the passengers are ok and they were not evacuated.

With a Washington Post story set to run tomorrow asking the question, "How could a modern airplane simply drop out of the sky," let the conspiracy theories begin.

In other news regarding Air France Flight 447, debris found floating in the Atlantic has been confirmed as wreckage from the plane and salvage crews from around the world are right now racing to the scene to recover as much as they can.

And in a kind of related story, a Continental Airlines pilot flying near Houston last Friday night reported seeing something that looked like a missile or a rocket zip by his plane.

A pilot reported to the Federal Aviation Administration that at about 8:15 p.m. Friday, an object passed within 150 feet beneath the aircraft, sheriff's officials said.

The aircraft was near the southern edge of the county, flying at about 13,000 feet, officials said.

"The pilot, from what we understand, was former military. He was able to get the coordinates down real quick," said Cpl. Hugh Bishop with the Liberty County Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff's deputies searched Friday night for signs of evidence where a missile might have been launched or landed.

"We couldn't find anything," Bishop said.

We're just glad we're not planning on flying anytime soon right about now.