An annoying TV show would like some recognition, please. Terrible originals and remakes are getting made all over town. Danny McBride continues his ascendancy. And people get TV deals and I don't.

Ohhh ha ha ha. Family Guy thinks it's people. Creator Seth MacFarlane has submitted his painful animated series for consideration in the Best Comedy Emmy category, going up against actual comedies with things called plots like The Office and 30 Rock. [Cut to: A chicken boxing Peter, then James Woods shows up, and everyone throws up, and an 18 year old boy Cheetos-farts and wheezes sadly to himself]. [Variety]

Oh dear. Remember that movie Hot Tub Time Machine that we talked about a little while ago? Well now someone that we used to talk about, a while ago, has joined the cast. His name is Chevy Chase, and you're not. Or something. Sigh. [THR]

UM, YOU GUYS? They're remaking Girls Just Want to Have Fun. This is terrible! Though, we hear Helen Hunt is available. [Variety]

ABC has picked up a summer reality series called Crash Course, about cars crashing into things. They're also excited about their fall series Things Blowing Up, to be followed in the spring by Man Getting Hit With Football, featuring the ghost of George C. Scott. [THR]

Mario Bello (twin brother of Maria?) Adam Beechen's graphic novel Hench has been optioned by Warner Bros. as a vehicle for Danny McBride. He'll play a washed-up sports star. Hm. Familiar. [Variety]

The creator of that new show Mercy (which unfortunately stars Michelle Trachtenberg), has inked a two year deal with Universal. Good for her! I hate her. [THR]