Looking for a job? Has anyone ever told you that you have muse-like qualities? Do you have a driver's license and 8-24 hours free each week? If so have we got the job for you!

This was recently posted to the Palo Alto Craigslist jobs board:

Successful entrepreneur in media/entertainment/technology fields seeks intelligent, open-minded, flexible and responsible muse who will be a sounding board for often radical creative idea, story and production concepts, and in time, to become a confidante and life coach to help him express inner motivations within the context of a very complex, fast-paced life.

Entrepreneur has existing personal assistant/executive admin staff providing primary business and household administration services. Ideal candidate would join this team in Personal Assistant role under the close supervision/tutelage of Executive Assistant, augmenting staff and filling in as needed and in accordance with skill set/experience. Responsibilities include supporting business and personal travel, including private jets/ground transportation/hotels; personal shopping/style suggestions; attending (and at times organizing) social/political/business events; recommending (and at times attending) entertainment/dining/ art and music events, valet services, advising/coordinating diet/exercise, handling any small matter that arises, from picking up coffee to coordinating conference calls. Candidate must be able to scale from professional to casual demeanor, and from business to casual dress, and to be able to able to communicate effectively with a wide range of people, from financial executives to fine artists and filmmakers.

Entrepreneur has substantial executive responsibilities that come in fits and starts with existing projects and personal obligations that tie up his time randomly and leave unpredictable blocks of time available, often with short notice of opening slots and closing slots. Candidate needs to be able to be in a position to be highly flexible in terms of availability. As experience and familiarity with entrepreneur's lifestyle grows, there is opportunity for more hours of work, overlapping more of entrepreneur's day. Over time, ideal candidate would "shadow" entrepreneur, in both a personal assistant and muse role, handling practical matters as they come up, as well as being a sounding board/coach/critic for ideas both in scheduled sessions and when time avails itself, e.g. during flights.

Ideal candidate has or is getting Bachelors or Masters degree; has knowledge and interest as well as an eye/ear in the realms of art, music, film, video, performing arts, fashion, videogames, interactive online media; is an effective writer and/or sketcher to document/organize ideas; an empathetic listener; tasteful; adept at using computer tools/navigating the Web. Pluses include artistic, performance and/or training/massage experience. Candidate must be comfortable exploring any creative material, including highly personal and extremely dark subjects. But above all, candidate must be the sort of person with a serious passion for a long-term career in the role of providing support for a highly creative, high-end individual who has an extremely busy and complex life.

This is an exceptional position for an exceptional candidate. Compensation commensurate with experience, applicable skill set and fit for the role. If the candidate works out, opportunity for substantial financial growth and first-class perks. An ideal fit will be highly valued. Position will start on a part-time trial basis, and then if candidate is a fit, expand in accordance with scope of role candidate is able to fill. Schedule: initially 8-24 hours/week.

Must be legal to work in the US, have driver's license and car. You will be provided with everything else needed for your work.

Respond via email with brief description of how you see yourself as suited for this role and resume.

So does we have any guesses as to who the person that placed the ad might be? And can someone please forward this on to Mary Rambin so she can hurry get her resume in? For some reason she sounds perfect for this gig.

Creative/Tech Entrepreneur Seeks Exceptional Muse/Personal Assistant [Craigslist]