Leaked Memo Reveals Washington Times Will Not Tolerate Any More Damn Incompetence

Remember last week when the Washington Times ran a photo of the Obama girls alongside a story about Chicago's murdered schoolchildren, and then blamed the fuckup on fancy computers? Well, they're cracking down over there!
Fishbowl DC obtained an internal memo sent out today by Times' editor John Solomon:
From: John Solomon To: twtnews Sent: Mon, 18 May 2009 10:31:00 -0400 Subject: Accuracy and Fairness
Accuracy, precision, fairness and balance are our essential
coins of credibility in the marketplace. As we expand our product line and our workload, we cannot allow these pillars of journalism to be compromised by shortcuts, sloppiness or deadlines. To ensure we all live up to the promise, I am instituting the following reforms effective immediately:1) Any reporter or editor who makes an error in a story that requires a published correction must submit a letter to the Executive Editor and Managing Editor explaining the mistake and what corrective actions were taken. These letters will be placed in your permanent personnel file.
2) Any reporters or editors who submit stories or content without fair comment or adequate balance will have their stories bounced from the lineup until they are corrected.
3) All reporters who have had stories with published corrections in the last year and any editors who inserted errors into copy will be required to take a mandatory class on accuracy and precision to be held the first week of June and led by Carleton Bryant.
Interesting to see Solomon use the phrase "fairness and balance" as the hallmarks of his conservative paper's credibility. Though his efforts, if sincere, are to be applauded, it's hard not to recall how miserably certain other conservative media outlets have failed in this regard.
From the Office of Disciplinary Action at TWT High [Fishbowl DC]