John Mayer went out on Saturday night and raised the bar on celebrity cheesedickery, David Cross and Amber Tamblyn are making out in public all over East Village, and Fergie admits to being bi-sexual.

  • John Mayer went out clubbing in Los Angeles the other night and somehow found himself covered from head to toe in lipstick kisses, so naturally, he then took to the streets and sang a Michael Jackson song for the paparazzi. [Dlisted]

  • You cannot stop the legendary Hollywood cock-swordsman that is David Cross, you can only hope to contain him, which it appears that no one can do these days. [Page Six]

  • Fergie, wife of Josh Duhamel, has admitted that she likes to delve into a little sapphic love every now and then. [Sun]

  • Mariah Carey almost murdered a bunch of Frenchmen after she was kept waiting AN HOUR to walk a red carpet at a film premiere at Cannes. [Gatecrasher]

  • Britney Spears is still spending money like Mike Tyson, MC Hammer and Michael Jackson on crack. [Mirror]

  • Steve Rattner is building a house the size of a small country on Martha's Vineyard. [Page Six]

  • Eminem says that his new album was inspired largely by...wait for it...SERIAL KILLERS! [Mirror]