FuckedCompany creator Philip "Pud" Kaplan will soon be a married man. So why did he just unveil Flirt140, the world's most awesome online flirting site?

Reached by phone, Kaplan insists he didn't create it for his own needs. (Good thing, as his lawyer fiancée might have words.) He was just indulging in a month-long Twitter programming binge which led him to create a Twitter typing test, a Twitter domain-name registration tool, and now, Twitter flirting.

Flirt140 lets Twitter users find others in a geographic area. You can specify that you're looking for men, women, or both. (How progressive!) Just one problem: Twitter, unlike, say, Facebook, doesn't collect information on users' sexual orientation. I asked Kaplan if he had invented Twitter gaydar. "No," he admitted. Flirt140 will register people's sexual preference and then display appropriate targets in searches as it collects more users. But for now, Twitterers looking for gender-suitable romance will have to take their chances. We sense a sitcom in the making.