Governor Tries to 'Blind Joke' His Way Out of Lawsuit

Huh. David Paterson settled a discrimination suit filed by a guy who says the governor fired him because of his race. But David Paterson is our first black governor! Oh, the guy is white.
Joseph Maioriello of Schenectady was fired from his cushy $34k-a-year gig as "State Senate photographer" when Paterson replaced a white guy as minority leader. He was replaced with a black guy. So he sued for $1.5 million!
He did not get that much money, in the settlement. Also there is still no such thing as "reverse discrimination."
Everyone in the world hates David Paterson more than even the swine flu, but we still kinda like him, because of things like this:
Paterson, who is legally blind, claimed in a sworn deposition that he didn't see well enough to have fired Maioriello because of his race.
A spokesman for Paterson later said the comment was "a quip, a joke."
Hah, he used a Colbert joke in a sworn deposition. This fuckin' governor!