Jesse Watters, Bill O'Reilly's ambush specialist, may have slipped past our stakeout this morning, but we will be back. Before John Cook and Richard Blakeley set back for Gawker HQ, they filed a video report.

Watters makes a living startling enemies of his boss Bill O with a video camera and coming back with embarrassing footage that O'Reilly pretends is "news." But in an act of pure weeniness Watters refuses to discuss his work with anyone. We thought we had a good chance of finding him leaving his house for the office this morning, but not everyone can be a stalker extraordinaire like Watters.

A tipster has passed on info (or misinformation!) from a source inside Fox that says Watters is at his desk, and that his wife—a Gawker fan, according to a different tipster—is quite worked up over the visit.

Our team learned some valuable lessons: 1) a stakeout's best done on an empty bladder and 2) be sure to cover all possible exits. (If he's not still at home, we think he either slipped out when John and Richard went to the loo, or walked out a back way to the nearby train station.) Rookie mistakes happen. And, Jesse, your taunts only make us more determined.

In the meantime, we'll be making a careful study of the master at work.

If you have any info on Jesse and where we might find him, please pass it on. Or, you know, Jesse, you could just return John's phone calls.