Viva La Octogon!

Cuban dictator Fidel Castro gave ABC News White House correspondent Jake "The Octogon" Tapper a shout-out in his unreadable column in some state-controlled newspaper.
Castro, who has apparently conquered death through socialism, has written a column about last week's Conference of the Americas, and he cited a press-conference exchange between Obama and someone he calls "Journalist Jake." That would be Tapper—they're apparently on a first-name basis. Later in the column, Castro writes that "when [Obama] stated, responding to Jake, that today, 2004 seemed like eons ago, that was superficial. Do we have to wait that many years for him to suspend his blockade?"
Maybe Tapper should look into this Castro fellow. Unlike Barack Obama, it looks like he actually does hate retarded people.

We've made fun of Tapper a lot lately, so we thought we'd give him a chance to respond to our claim that he maintains a close personal relationship with a murderous dictator. Here's what he said: "It's certainly surreal to be cited by both Rush and Fidel in the same month."
Limbaugh actually liberated Tapper from the "Butt Boy bubble" in March, but yes, we agree that it is surreal.