It's about time: Anderson Cooper finally weighed in this whole teabagging phenomenon. The dashing CNN anchor seems surprisingly well versed!

Not that Bill Clinton's former political adviser David Gergen appreciated it on Cooper's show today. Gergen was all, "blah blah blah serious serious tactical political discussion, blah blah blah."

But then he made a comment about how Barack Obama's polling on economic issues is "extremely high — and everyone else in the administration is below him." Heh. "But the Republicans are a little below that." HA!

"They're searching for their voice."

Oh, now you're just begging for Anderson to lower the perfect punchline into place. And he does.

Teabagging humor simply will not die. At least not until every other TV personality takes his lumps and swallows the fact that AC360 rightfully owns this teabagging thing.

(Video via BuzzNewsroom)