Just when you think it can't get any worse in Chicago media—that's right, it gets worse! Both major papers are already bankrupt. Now the Chicago Tribune is cutting another 20% of its newsroom. Ehhhhh.

That "Ehhhh" is the sound of forlorn media watchers collectively saying, "Jesus Christ, what the hell is the point, by now?"

The Chicago Tribune plans to cut another 20% of its newsroom staff in yet another bid to reduce expenses amid continuing advertising declines.

Staffers were told of the impending layoffs last week, according to three people who attended a meeting on the topic. The cuts will take place over the next several weeks, the sources said.

This is an attempt to "cut expenses," but at some point—we're not saying the paper has necessarily reached that point yet, but they sure are ambling down the road towards it—it's just time to really cut expenses, by folding the paper. On a human level, of course, we hope not, but fuck. At some point, again, you pass the point of diminishing returns, where every cut just accelerates your demise. One-fifth of your newsroom is a hell of a cut. Can the Tribune Co. really, seriously, cut its way back to profitability, and out of billions and billions of dollars of debt?

Let's hope so!

In other good, breaking newspaper news: six dozen newsroom buyouts at the walking dead Atlanta Journal-Constitution.