Remember Neel Kashkari, the government's workaholic bailout czar? We're guessing his job overseeing the nation's finances isn't keeping him that busy. He had time to return to his high school and give a speech!

A tipster at the ceremony snapped a photo of Kashkari, the Treasury's assistant secretary for financial stability, waiting to deliver a speech at Western Reserve Academy. He graduated from the private school in Husdon, Ohio, in 1991, where classmates remembered him as an "egocentric jerk" who featured a Ferrari on his high school yearbook page.

He returned today to his alma mater to explain how being a failure is awesome. For example, the first time he tried to leave Goldman Sachs and get a government job, he got nixed!

Kashkari was trying to get into a prestigious White House Fellowship program for mid-career people. As part of the process, his boss at Goldman Sachs got him a letter of recommendation from the company's then-Chief Executive Officer Henry Paulson.

But Kashkari got rejected from the program halfway through the process.

Then Paulson became Treasury Secretary and got Kashkari a job. Nice how that works! Unfortunately, Republican-appointed, Ferrari-loving, wind-energy-hating Goldman Sachs alumni aren't exactly popular with the Obama kids.

Kashkari back in his Western Reserve days: