released their monthly unique visitor numbers today and Gawker had another strong month, staying ahead of old-line (and much larger) outfits like and

We also set a new page-view record last month with 26.5 million page views, well above the 24.2 million page views we had in February. The expanded coverage areas after folding in Valleywag and Defamer appears to be attracting a broader audience. Since we didn't have any giant break-out stories — like Sarah Palin emails or Tom Cruise Scientology videos — traffic seemed to be pretty evenly spread. We were helped by Facebook, with their employees trashing their redesign and the ShamWow guy, who got arrested for beating a prostitute, as well as Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart, who spent more than a week feuding with each other. Still, news seems to have slowed down recently (or is it just me?) so it may be tough to match these kind of numbers in April.