Ryan Seacrest's wordsmith can't stand the sight of body hair! Wired's Jason Tanz went to the dentist! And a journalism instructor saw a mouse! It's scary out there in Twitterland:

NBC's Scott McGrew missed his chance to get the scoop on Google's layoffs.

Ellyn Angelotti of the Poynter Institute did that whole mouse-frightens-woman stereotype thing.

Chicago blogger Blagica Bottigliero announced her contempt for people who use Twitter to broadcast announcements.

Wired writer Jason Tanz dulled the pain.

Natalie Eshaya, a writer for known twink Ryan Seacrest, committed an ursophobic act of hate speech against perfectly harmless bears.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets — or send us more Twitter usernames.