Everybody has a hobby. Spencer Morgan's hobby is writing profiles of New York's most annoying (or just quirky!) guys in the New York Observer. Neil S.'s hobby is erotic gay hypnotism. Hobby intersection alert!

Trend angle: during this recession, everybody has to compromise on their dreams. Neil S., for example, had to compromise on his dream of a full-on hypnotherapy practice by whittling it down to just sexy hypnosis. Oh well! At least he's not a boring banker in Buenos Aires.

NEIL S. WANTS a certain degree of anonymity-though feel free to give him a ring at 718-687-3347-and so he was guarded about his backstory. He said that he spent a good part of his childhood in a suburb outside of Washington, D.C., and became fascinated by hypnosis after seeing it employed in cartoons such as Superman, Batman, even Bugs Bunny...

About a year ago, he helped a guy realize that fantasy. "I created a scene where he was a superhero and he was tied up and the only way to release his bonds was to ejaculate and that would melt the bonds or whatever. And that worked pretty nicely."

Super. Neil's an IT guy turned erotic hypnotist with a bunch of good sexy hypnosis stories to share, and a man, Spencer Morgan, who is ready and waiting to take down those stories and spin them into a charming tale of quirk, for your reading pleasure, which we will then condense and comment upon, for the reading pleasure of the lazies among you. I guess you could say that everybody wins in this new recession-plagued gay hypnosex trend era. Except for whoever picked up Neil S.'s couch off the sidewalk:

Before he bought his place uptown, he lived in Chelsea for seven years, which is where he began hosting his sessions. He had a very comfortable couch there, which he had to throw out when he moved because of all the stains.