It's New York City's most vacuous feud, maybe! Chuckleworthy fauxcialites Adrien Field and Alexandra Alexis deny they placed a "ridiculously bombastic" internship ad. Is a rival self-worshiping socialgay out to get them [UPDATED]?

I warn you up front that this entire post is the most insipid thing imaginable. Okay.

So! We told you this weekend about the laughable 'internship' ad for some poor sap to hold the coats of two aspiring carpet-walkers, for free, which was very sad and rage-inducing. But it was on Craigslist, which means it could be a fake. And the man himself says it is:

Neither I nor Alexandra wrote the Craigslist Ad linked to in the Gawker post. We are looking for interns (something we've been mentioning to several people) but neither of us would ever write anything as ridiculously bombastic as that post. I did get a laugh out of it though. You should be getting an email from Alexandra's publicist tomorrow morning stating the same.
Best, Adrien Field

Who would create such a vile spoof of this dynamic young combo and their quite innocent intern hunt? One tipster believes it was socialgay and lying flack Kristian Laliberte, who could be jealous that Adrien Field is trying to horn in on his title as New York's dumbest whatever:

It was at the Soho House on Tues for the Acria event where Adrien and Alexandra were both in attendance. KL was there as one of the hosts and looked disgusted when he saw them and went over to this guy, I think his name is Brett, and was like, "Ugh, the rat is here." Everyone knows that Kristian is pissed that Adrien has been getting attention for stuff he used to get it for, like the fur wearing and feels threatened by him especially since they are both apparently writing novels about similar things: social climbing.

I heard him mention Craigslist and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he sent it in himself.

There you have it, a big mystery. We emailed Kristian L. but haven't heard back yet. Needless to say—regardless of who did what—everybody involved in this is contemptible, most especially us. [Pic: Guest of a Guest]

UPDATE: Kristian Laliberte emails:

Sadly, I have yet to have enough free time in my days to start creating fake ads. I don't even know who the second person is. I'm sure Craig's List will trace the IP address if you are willing to do a lil investigative journalism. This is mine, in case you are wondering.