Appalachian State University's student paper The Appalachian has just kicked off its long-awaited four-part series on pornography, and it promises to be children's treasury of hilarity that we will follow closely. Today: Cum shot controversy.

"Lifestyles Reporter" (HEH) Nikki Roberti sets it up with words from the expert:

Thirty-five to 40 years ago, X-rated films were not part of mainstream America, Associate Sociology Professor Ken B. Muir said.
Now they are.

OH HO? The Appalachian took it upon itself to poll 100 students of the school there, and found scarce middle ground on this contentious and often sexy issue:

Forty-six percent said pornography was a normal and a common part of life, whereas 34 percent said it was disgusting and wrong.
Twenty percent had no opinion.

Furthermore, 43.4% (how is that possible in a poll of 100 people? I don't know) lied and said they don't watch porn at all. But The Appalachian did track down one expert who most certainly does watch porn: assistant sociology professor Amy D. Page. Doctor?

"Cum shots are mainstream where men ejaculate in women's faces."
"I don't believe women enjoy being ejaculated on in the face."

Well that's fine for a lofty academic to say while sitting up in your ivory tower, masturbating, but can we bring this sexy discussion back down to earth?

"As a professor trained in the Marxist and feminist traditions, I fully appreciate how some people would find certain aspects of eros and pornography to be deeply intertwined in a patriarchal system of keeping women submissive," Muir said.

It will be hilarious if this entire four-part series leaves out the gays. But more hilarious if it does not.
[The Appalachian. We have illustrated this post with the actual photo from the original story, because of sexiness. Thanks to tipster Alex.]