If the brutal morning news war was played by microfame rules, Good Morning America would be winning. But since broadcast TV is measured by things like ratings and ad dollars, second-place GMA is still losing.

ABC's morning show announced this morning that it has finally beaten the Today Show in one meaningless measurement: "ABC NEWS' GOOD MORNING AMERICA BREAKS MORE THAN 100,000 FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER."

Also from the press release: "As of this morning, 102,655 people are twitter fans of the Emmy Award-winning morning news broadcast — far exceeding both NBC's Today and CBS' The Early Show with NBC registering only 26,185 followers and CBS a distant third with 1,457."

Last week was the Today Show's 690th consecutive week in first place in viewers, which are the things that advertisers pay television programs money for. But heads will no doubt roll at NBC News in the face of this humiliating defeat.

Also, as a point of comparison: Gawker Media alum Ana Marie Cox, who is just a person as opposed to an organ of a $33 billion multinational corporation, has 180,000 followers. Can't wait for the release when GMA beats her.