It's no wonder Hud Morgan relished his move from the Daily News to Men's Vogue: "Champagne Easter" parties, fruitinis and Beatrice Inn slapfights become a lifestyle glossy editor. At a gritty tabloid they're embarrassing.

Hopefully for Morgan, he didn't burn as many Daily News colleagues on his way out the door as we've been told, because he must now further humiliate himself before his ex-coworkers. One might imagine that difficult for a man known for blinding fashion choices, implausible gangster impersonation and being dumped by a 17-year-old lover.

But it's possible. Some of Morgan's former enemies — the onetime Tabloid Wars star made plenty — cackle that he's now "begging" to return to the Daily News. Morgan is trying to sell a script; in the meantime, his sugary cocktails aren't going to pay for themselves.

Lloyd Grove's former manservant should be careful what he asks for: The last time Morgan hit the News up for a new gig — a transfer from gossip to features, supposedly — he ended up covering prostate exams for senior citizens in Queens.