Harvey Weinstein has always had a knack for making enemies. Add Project Runway host Heidi Klum to that list: she's decided he's the one to blame for the sixth season's legal limbo.

Asked in an interview what she thought of the show being delayed because of an exhausting lawsuit between Weinstein's production company and NBC Universal—which claims that Weinstein screwed them when he sold Lifetime rights to the sixth season—Klum issued to the American people a fiery call to action:

I think that people should be demonstrating outside of (company co-chairman) Harvey Weinstein's house. It were up to me, [the show] would be on by now.

You hear that Harvey? A mob of fashion-crazed freedom fighters will soon be swarming your house, demanding Change. A group of NYU kids might even occupy your garage or something. Klum hasn't said yet whether she will actually lead the revolutionaries into ideological battle, but we suspect she won't. The whole icy tall blonde German storming the rich Jewish guy's house thing is just... y'know.

Video of the dueling pair meeting disastrously at Fashion Week is here.