Hoan Ton-That, the parodically Left Coast-y San Francisco coder linked to an earlier virus, appears to have resurfaced with a new website, Fastforwarded.com, which aims to coax passwords from users.

The new site appears to be identical, save for the name, to ViddyHo.com, a site which spread via instant messenger. The messages, generated automatically by the ViddyHo worm, promised a video once the user followed a link and logged in using a Gmail username and password. The worm then logged into that user's account and blasted everyone on his or her contact list with new messages.

Ton-That, whose Twitter bio reads "Anarcho-Transexual Afro-Chicano American Feminist Studies Major," runs an iPhone-app startup called HappyAppy. Fastforwarded.com has a copyright notice from HappyAppy on its pages. Here's its FAQ:

What is fastforwarded.com?

Fast Forwarded is the easiest way to share content with your friends on instant messenger networks like AIM, ICQ, MSN and GTalk.

Is fastforwarded.com a phishing site?

No. We do not store your passwords to the Instant Message networks (like MSN, ICQ, AIM, Gtalk, etc...).

Did fastforwarded.com use to be viddyho.com?

Yes. We had a bug in our code that would send everyone a video when they logged in

I have a question!

Please email us at happyappyinc@gmail.com. We do listen and reply.

Nice try. The makers of Safari and Firefox already list Fastforwarded.com as a "phishing" site, one that tries to fraudulently extract passwords from users. After the ViddyHo worm spread, police began looking for Ton-That. This new attack suggests they never nabbed the hacker, whose code is still at large on the Internet.

(Photo by Amit's Bike)