Eliot Spitzer bought a building in DC! It's a 13-story office tower whose tenants include a PR firm. It's also a short, lovely walk from the historic Mayflower Hotel! Look, we mapped it out.

Point A up there is the Mayflower and point B is Elliot's new building.

Ok, let's get to the embarrassing quotes from the governor who had to resign because he had sex with a prostitute in the hotel one block away from his new real estate investment:

The building is one block from the Mayflower Hotel, the location of Mr. Spitzer's tryst, which led to his undoing. Asked if the proximity to the hotel creates mixed feelings, Mr. Spitzer demurred. "No. We are buying a great building. That's why we are buying it," he said.


People familiar with the Washington deal say Mr. Spitzer worked closely on it. "Did I walk the floors? Yes. Talk to the tenants? Make sure the building was in every respect what we wanted? Yes."

The building will appear topless on the front page of the New York Post next Monday.