The US government has released "numbers" and "statistics" about the month of February, and how it went for us, the American people, in terms of "jobs." It went poorly.

Remember how even before February—in, for example, January—our economy was already hellish and everyone was unemployed, already? In a crushing blow to those counting on a Reversion To The Mean, February was suicidally bleak as well:

Another 651,000 jobs were lost in February...In a stark measure of the recession's toll, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday that the national unemployment rate surged to 8.1 percent last month, its highest in 25 years.

That's more than four million jobs lost in the past year. And reportedly "Some economists," named "Stupid Jerks Nos. One and Two," think we have two million more job losses to go. THANKS ECONOMISTS. (This prediction will actually turn out to be low).

The good news? "The economy lost an upwardly revised 655,000 jobs in January." Four thousand fewer layoffs in February! At this rate we'll actually start adding jobs by September of 2022!

Math! Freedom! Employment! USA!