Bloggers Form Nutty Left-Wing PAC To Fight Socialist President Obama

We are happy with his magical budget, and some of his hires, but let's not kid ourselves: Obama's new Iraq plan is pretty McCain-ish, right? So maybe we'll go join the Enraged Liberal Blogger PAC!
Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald, Markos Moulitsas, and a couple other bloggers you are even less likely to have heard of unless you are a nerd all got together to form a political action committee to push the Democratic party to the left (though the "leftism" of any of those people is such a relative thing as what most of these bloggers want is a combination of forcing the Democratic party to be more aggressive and also renegotiating the Washington "consensus" back to a Great Society-era liberalism and strong federal government, which is not actually particularly "leftist").
The Times story on their new little club, "Accountability Now," keeps framing their goals in "this is worrying for Obama" terms, which is kinda condescending, he can take care of himself.
"We're going to be about targeting incumbents to make space for Obama to be more progressive," said Glenn Greenwald, a blogger on the online magazine Salon who is part of the effort. In a potentially troubling sign for Mr. Obama, Mr. Greenwald added, "There may be other times when the Democratic Party, as led by Obama, is being unresponsive, so, yeah, we have the potential to push back against that, as well."
They're also backed by SEIU, a union that was decidedly an Obama ally. And, like, it sounds like who they will actually be a pain for is Congressional Democrats, 'cause they're gonna pull a Lieberman on anyone they don't like.
These, of course, are the sort of intra-party ideological battles that led to the Republican party becoming a massively out-of-touch regional concern full of loud-mouthed morons on the national level, but on the other hand those Conservatives were may more radical in their litmus tests than these "liberals" are.
So on the whole, Obama needn't really worry too much about their new PAC, at least until they remake Congress such that the president can't get away with inventing something called "non-combat troops" and pretending their presence in Iraq will mean the war is over. What the hell, right?