Fire up the chicken dance—or, at least, your best approximation of it. Michael Cera, the lone holdout among the reunited cast of Arrested Development, has finally agreed to do the movie.

Despite the fact that creator Mitchell Hurwitz has said he couldn't begin work on a script until every cast member signed on—and then, everyone but the erstwhile George Michael proceeded to do just that—Cera had remained publicly opposed to the project for months. Now, though, E's Kristin Dos Santos is reporting the news (straight from her Arrested Development source, which is probably Jason Bateman) that Cera has changed his mind and will indeed sign on to the movie, which could shoot as early as this winter with Ron Howard succeeding Hurwitz at the helm. Update: A rep at Imagine Entertainment writes in that Hurwitz still has sole claim to the director's seat, presumably leaving Howard confined to the voiceover booth.

A beloved franchise cut loose by its network and eventually revived elsewhere with all its major players intact. Hmmm. Sounds like something we can get behind.