Do you like your song-and-dance routines with canes and top hats? Then you are going to love tomorrow's Hugh Jackman-hosted Academy Awards.

In this video that was "leaked" yesterday by the show's producers, Hugh Jackman talks about how hard he's working and why it's so very important to not make an ass out of yourself. And you get a glimpse of some of the numbers the show's producers — Bill Condon and and Laurence Mark, who last collaborated on the film version of Dreamgirls — have come up with. So, yes, not much of a mystery that the show will borrow a lot from Broadway.

More mysterious? Who is Youtube user "saremac" who's hosting the video? Probably a production lackey who's working on the show, but we really, really hope that this other clip on their page has served as inspiration for at least one Jackman number.