Oh, look. Time has one of those annoying click-here-25-times-to-see-the-best-of-something lists and evidently they don't like us very much. What did we do to fall out of the newsweekly's favor?

You see, Time's argument is that since Gawker grew up chronicling media barons, we're now doomed to go down with them. It's the sort of pat logic you might find in a newsweekly pitch meeting: "All that's left for Gawker is to report on its own demise."

The expansion of our coverage beyond the Manhattan media world —- and into entertainment, politics and, after last year's merger with Valleywag, technology — has been paying off. In fact, traffic has been booming around here: With nearly 23.5 million page views last month, according to our public traffic numbers, the site had its second biggest month ever. And last week on Quantcast we passed the 3 million unique visitors mark, a better than 50% increase from December.