Yesterday, we made the case for Bikini Girl as post-post-feminist-Amazonian-karaoke-warrior, but predicted she'd be out. Well, we were right about that, but we regretfully report her elimination demonstrated an egregious lack of Girl Power.

The entire episode plays out in the lengthy clip above. (If you have children or pets to care for, we recommend not investing precious minutes into it. Everyone else, dig in!) Having been moved along in the audition process by a sympathetic Simon and Randy, B.G. was placed like some experimental, bikini-wearing lab rat in containment with three other hopefuls—among them the much-admired hippie free-spirit Rose Flack—for dreaded Group Day. It was at this point that B.G. revealed a crucial fact about her background: She's insane. Completely and utterly out of her fucking mind.

The morning of the big audition, from beneath a duvet fort, we hear weak whimpers saying she wasn't feeling well. B.G. makes a stunning recovery at the last moments, however, and—as Seacrest rivetingly narrates from on high—the tense quartet mount the stage to sing for their lives. Ultimately, the pressure was too much for the wilted Rose, who made the fatal error of forgetting her lyrics. B.G. would be dismissed, too, exiting without so much as a goodbye to the partners she'd just sabotaged.

And like that, she was gone. Out the doors, and out of our lives forever, to nest inside her comforter coffin until came time to feed again. [Idol]