Poster Boy: Man or Movement?
The suddenly absurdly famous subway ad remix vandal Poster Boy is seriously committed to this "Poster Boy is a movement, not one guy" thing. Reality, or a way to avoid conviction? Attempted fact check time!
In his most recent interview today, with Vulture, PB says (via email):
Henry Matyjewicz was arrested Friday night at 7:30pm. Sent to central booking. Then sent to Rikers. He was bailed on Sunday night and was released Monday 2am. The police showed up to the "Friends We Love" event in Soho and arrested Henry for partaking in a Poster Boy installation. From the beginning it was stated that Poster Boy is not about one person. What the NYPD did do is arrest an individual who volunteered to legally collage some prints at the show...Arresting Henry for being Poster Boy is like plucking a strand of Medusa's hair.
Okay, sure, maybe it is a movement by now, but Poster Boy is one guy, as far as we can tell. He sent us this photo(shop) of himself in October:

Same guy photographed for the NY Mag story that month:

Same guy as in the video last month? Maybe. Looks similar:

But if being a movement rather than one guy will get him out of his charges, then we'll go with that.