Sure, it seems like a good idea for the Emmys to expand their acting and series nominations from five to six (as the TV Academy announced they will today). Here's what will happen, though.

While it appears that the expansion of the nominees is designed to reward those eternally on-the-bubble critical favorites who can never sneak into the final five, the Academy also announced that it is dismantling the "blue-ribbon" panel it recently instituted to help guide worthy nominees there in the first place. That panel was convened after too many good shows were passed up in a dunderheaded general vote; without the quality committee in place to help cull the entire membership's vote down, that sixth slot will probably be filled with representatives from generic CBS sitcoms and crime dramas that go heavy on the acronyms, like CSI and Law & Order: SVU.

So, good news, Jon Cryer, Christopher Meloni, and the actors from Big Bang Theory! You now face even less of a challenge from Battlestar Galactica and Weeds. Enjoy your comfy new leg room!