The Jonas Brothers are nothing if not high-concept, making their ambitious plot to recruit down-on-his-luck auteur Baz Luhrmann the kind of cinch everyone can agree on.

The plan is informal at best for now, evidently limited to Joe Jonas's public avowal that he and his siblings have "reached out" to the filmmaker to direct their next music video. Ideally the project would build from the fertile seedling of their previous collaboration six years ago, when Joe shone as "Punk Kid On Roller Skates" in Luhrmann's Broadway adaptation of La Boheme.

But face it: Even the most modest comeback would help Luhrmann after the critical and commercial failure of Australia, even if it means forgoing the "Nick dies" premise of his original script for Disney's more upbeat ending. Then it's on to Camp Rock 3 and eventually the inevitable, bloated Kidman reunion-to-be-determined in 2015. You know. Baby steps.