We've finally found the unlikely silver lining to Hilary Duff's casting in the forthcoming Bonnie and Clyde update. Sadly, you won't see it in the finished film.

Instead, look to E!'s Daily 10, which sought the starlet's reaction to mildly critical comments — "Couldn't they at least cast a real actress?'' — attributed last week to original Bonnie Faye Dunaway. Clearly the Oscar-winner has some catching up to do with the glimmering Duff canon, but it's now evident that the young performer doesn't plan to wait around for that enlightenment:

Regarding comments Dunaway made about Duff not being a “real actress” in the new The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, Duff says: “I think that my fans that are going to go see the movie don't even know who she is, so you know…. I think it was a little unnecessary but I might be mad if I looked like that now too."

Whoa, Hilary. The plastic surgery card? Not nice — and quite possibly a self-destructive tactical error for a young lady who has the dirty bomb that is Agent Cody Banks sitting out unprotected for anyone who wants to detonate it. Not that Dunaway will stop there; expect her also to retroactively invoke a use for wire hangers if and/or when she gets the chance. This is war.