We don't want to toot our horns or anything, but...hey, what's that loud, sustained honking? Shortly after SPC picked up An Education just as we'd prognosticated, Lionsgate has followed our other Sundance advice.

You may remember that in our self-congratulatory post on An Education's sale, we signed off with "Emboldened, we'd now recommend that Lionsgate take a look at Push: Based on a Novel by Sapphire. Work that Tyler Perry circuit, get assured spots on Oprah and The View, and thank us later (a supporting actress campaign for Mo'Nique would be payment enough)."

Today (two weeks later), Variety brings this news:

Lionsgate has purchased North American distribution rights to "Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire." Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry will support Lionsgate's distribution through their respective motion picture companies, Harpo Films and 34th Street Films.

Well, all right then! Shall we go three for three? Hey, MTV Films...still interested in making some pickups? How about acquiring Sundance's fun "high school threesome" vehicle Dare? If you need us, we're going to be in our acquisitions suite, sacrificing yet another virginal Jezebel commenter to feed the insatiable Defamer crystal ball.