Videogum's weighing the evidence in the ongoing Nestor Carbonell: Guyliner-Wearer? controversy that erupted shortly after The Dark Knight's release, when audiences emerged wondering why the Mayor of Gotham looked like a closet Siouxsie fan.

Their evidence: His guylinered eyes. Videogum finds that sufficient. Case closed.

But wait—we also have the testimony of the accused, who was asked at TCA's Lost panel about whether or not he uses the product, to which he turned a bright shade of red and replied, "I most certainly do not use L'Oreal Voluminous Eyeliner Mistake-Proof Marker in Black Brown, or sometimes just plain Black if it's a dressier occasion—and I resent the implication that I do, sir. I. Said. Good. Day."

No just kidding. He said this to Sci Fi Wire:

At the TV Critics Association press tour, some reporters asked if you wore eyeliner, which Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse denied. What do you think of this?

Carbonell: My brother sent me this link about the TCA, where you guys were at. Someone had asked about whether I was wearing eyeliner. I think Carlton came to my defense, and he said, "He's 100 percent sans makeup" or something like that. I could see why some people would think I have eyeliner on because [my eyelashes] are dark. Especially the bottom row, they're pretty dark. I've been dealing with it since I was a little kid, and so to me it's very funny when it comes up, especially at TCA. My brother told me to look online and sort of Google something about that, and my name came up as a couple things. One of them was Maybelline Man. I've been dubbed by some people as Guyliner. It's very amusing.

Hmmm...Well, we're hardly the experts here. Ask us about wax-assisted monobrow division and we can spot a closet browclopse from 30 feet away. But guyliner? We'll leave that to the experts. Maybe it's just another one of those Lost island mysteries—like the disappearance of Jack's body hair—involving age-defying Richard Alpert getting a little too caught-up in the '80s goth movement on one of his many time-bending jaunts.