· 2 Dance 2 Flyiest star Channing Tatum was cast in The Brotherhood of the Rose, about two orphans raised by a CIA operative to become orphan-killing-machines. It's only loosely based on Maddox Pitt-Jolie's life. [Variety]

· Speaking of orphans, Variety printed a photo of a chocolate-dipped one today in reporting the Slumdog controversy—three days after "mudslinging...bloggers" already broke the story. Keep the poop-dipped flame alive, guys. [Variety]
· A heavily in-demand Emily Blunt may have to pull out of Iron Man 2—in which she was to play Black Widow—to honor a Fox option that would require her to star in Gulliver's Travels. Hmm...being a busty Soviet superspy or a Lilliputian love interest to a colossal Jack Black. It's like our fantasy dilemma! Don't make us choose! [Variety]
· DreamWorks is giving Shrek's Puss in Boots his own spinoff movie, in which that gag where he gets whatever he wants by gripping his hat and turning himself into a giant-eyed Keane painting will be employed numerous times. [THR]
· Comedy-crazy ABC greenlit Lauren Graham pilot Let It Go, about "a self-help guru who...fails to follow her own advice when her perfect boyfriend dumps her." [THR]