Blago: Impeached and Gone

Crooked Illinois Governor Rod "BLAGO" Blagojevich has been impeached and convicted, ladies and gentlemen. Without a dissenting vote. He'll never hold elected office in the state again:
The 59-0 vote followed several hours of public deliberation in which senator after senator stood up to blast Blagojevich, whose tenure lasted six years. And it came after a four-day impeachment trial on allegations that Blagojevich abused his power and sold his office for personal and political benefit.
The conviction on a sweeping article of impeachment means the governor was immediately removed from office. The Senate also unanimously voted to impose the "political death penalty" on Blagojevich, banning him from ever again holding office in Illinois.
His little speech and media tour were all for naught. Adios, jerk. [Chicago Tribune]