From the city of broad shoulders, creeping into our hearts like little cat feet, comes a new American versemaker, Rod Blagojevich. This video medley from the Illinois governor's impeachment defense shows it was pure poetry.

Like a rhymer who repeats a well-turned phrase, Blagojevich made the most of his tropes in his speech. He kept returning to a Whitmanesque claim that he shook people down not for political contributions and quid pro quo favors, but for "seniors, families, and children." And that he pursued "legal means for moral ends." Why didn't he just proclaim himself large and containing of multitudes?

Blagojevich is likely to get removed from office. His replacement, Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn, has already prepared his inaugural address. But we hope Blagojevich finds new employment. Couldn't President Obama name him poet laureate?

(Video by Gawker intern Georgina Devine)