Before you unscrew that bottle of André you've been saving up for some happy SAG news, commenter Justine Bateman over at Deadline Hollywood Daily had this to say about the overthrowing of Doug Allen:

This is despicable. I am a National Board member, elected by 75% of the voting membership, and I DID NOT GET A SAY ON THIS.

United For Strength apparently is making good on the “qualified voting platform”.
They did not ask all the members of the National Board to vote on this written assent.
They did everything to not allow the strike authorization to be mailed out to the membership to let them have their say.
They are now making this move to make sure the membership DOES NOT have a say on the current AMPTP proposal.

Additionally, your new “negotiating task force” has virtually NO ONE familiar with the future of New Media. And that’s smart when you’re negotiating a New Media contract because….?

Woe to the membership. Woe to the membership.

Comment by Justine Bateman — January 26, 2009 @ 12:53 pm

Whoa indeed. This marks just the latest example of the former Family Ties star's shoring up of her online presence, as she's been blogging and reblogging her heart out over at Tumblr's PonyPonyShow. What would we do, baby, without her trenchant and unwavering insights into this deeply debilitating labor standoff? Sha la la la.