His rocket fetish and bio-weapons research notwithstanding, Silicon Valley venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson is known for funding invention, not producing it. Funny how some illegal Obama sex changed all that.

Jurvetson was just minding his business at an A-list inaugural celebration, on line in the men's room, when he witnessed one of the few arrests associated with the overwhelmingly peaceful inauguration, he wrote on Flickr:

A buzzing group of eight cops berated, ‘cuffed and extracted a young couple that looked terribly embarrassed and a bit tipsy. The offense: copulating in public. Oh yes, it was a veritable love fest!
I had to wait my turn, as I was the next occupant of their “bridal suite” – the one stall in the men’s room.

Jurvetson isn't the first to float the idea of Obama sex. But he's an innovator with the title he posted above his story on photo hub Flickr: "Inaugural Balling."

From one snarky headline factory to another, Mr. Jurvetson, we salute you.

(Photo via Jurvetson's Flickr.)

(Thanks to Megan for the pointer.)