Gawker operative Stephen Kosloff has sent us another batch of photos from the frozen film wonderland that is the Sundance Film Festival. Now with product-placing bunnies.

The party for the documentary, A Sealed Fate? contained the following ingredients: Director and America's Next Top Model host Nigel Barker, beautiful pictures that he shot of baby seals and ice, and one DJ conveniently named Josh Madden, aka the bro of Paris's former beaux Benji Madden. Seems Mr. Barker humped around the arctic with the Humane Society of the United States and got inspired or something to stop the whole slaughter of adorable furries racket.

Mike Colter executes the time-tested "flash dashing smile while putting arm around Czechoslovakian Ph.D wife named Iva" gambit at a party for Technicolor at Bacchus. Mike is in Taking Chance at Sundance and was in Million Dolar Baby.

Actress Chyna Layne was in a film called Push, which had its world premier at Sundance and was directed by Lee Daniels of Monster's Ball fame. We saw her at the Technicolor party at the Bacchus wine bar and were like, "Hey that shirt is the color of your website splash page."

Remember founder Josh Harris? Threw wild parties, made millions, then sort of flamed out and went into apple-growing exile upstate? Guess what! He's back as the subject of the documentary We Live in Public, directed by this lass, Ondi Timoner. Ondi and the lovely red couch were located at the film's premiere party at the Sidecar Lounge on Main Street. She's doing a sequel too.

That's Josh Harris himself, who emerged from the shadows to populate the Sidecar Lounge party with Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis.

DJ Nature Boy of San Francisco prepares to fuck some shit up at the premier party for We Live in Public. His companion, Maynard, a self-described bon vivant, sweats and writhes patiently in the background.

Thomas, aka "the coolest bartender in New York," was dragged kicking and screaming to Sundance by his proctologist, but said he was having a pretty good time. "Last night I had dinner at Grappa and saw Frodo." Thomas and his scarf were both soaking up the "flavor" at the Technicolor party at Bacchus.

You can find more of Stephen's work here.