The Twitterati Have Major Problems
What is it with media people? Twitter seems to drive them to reveal what their readers always suspected: They're all a bit dysfunctional, each in his or her own special way. Especially Julia Allison!
Wired writer Steven Levy felt so guilty about not tweeting more, he wrote a whole long column about it.
Nonsociety egoblogger Julia Allison sent her first post-inaugural-ball tweet suspiciously late the day. She freaked out when she couldn't find her purse. But she later found it, and her camera with pictures of herself with Chad Hurley. This will make everyone but Mrs. Chad Hurley happy.
Mancunian freelance "ournalist" Louise Bolotin ad a prolem with hr keyboar.
Mac columnist Andy Ihnatko also confronted a problem with technology.
Greensboro News & Record editor John Robinson learned you just can't trust corporate executives to tell you the truth.
Anyone else's tweets we should keep an eye on? Send us more Twitter usernames, please.